Hello, before I quit for the day, I wanted to share a few of my favorite projects from my yellow kitchen that I told you all about earlier. First we have the cup hooks. Seems simple enough right, screw some hook in, but I wanted the hooks to hang down and show off their pretty little handles, so I went to the garage and found a piece of wood I had save from our old ugly coffee table that has long since been donated to goodwill. I think Mr. Ashe thought I was crazy when I saved this. The story was, we had this old coffee table but I liked to sit at it working on various projects for our upcoming wedding at the time but there was a piece of wood that went along the floor so it was in my way and I couldn't put my legs under it. One day Mr. said I could take it off and I got so excited! I easily removed it and then promptly put it in the garage. He asked me what I was going to do with it and I said I don't know yet. Because you never do. But this was real wood, why would I just throw it away when I knew it could come in handy one day. And it did. It was the perfect depth to go under the cabinet and not show but still maximize viewing of the adorable teacups that my mother in law gave us. So I measured the cabinet and cut the wood slightly smaller. I measured so the cups would be evenly spaced, screwed in the hooks, then screwed the wood into the cabinets and hung up my teacups! I love it! Here is the view I see everyday

and here is what it looks like under the cupboard

This little sign used to say something like "Gone to Therapy" I got it for about $3 at Ross. I had a lot of trouble trying to decide what to put on it and finally landed on the classic "Home Sweet Home." All I did was paint over the old words with some brown acrylic paint I had on hand, you can see there is somewhat of a border around the edges, that was already there and I just didn't put as thick of a coat over that so it would show through a little. For the words, I went a little old school. I don't have a fancy Silhouette machine to cut out vinyl letters for me so instead I found a font that I liked and printed my phrase out in the size I wanted on regular paper. I cut the letters out with a X-acto knife and then used them like a stencil and carefully used a skinny little brush and some white paint to paint it on. The first "Home" looks a lot neater than the rest of it, I think I was getting impatient. but I still like the way it turned out and now it hangs above my sink

The last little DIY that I want to share today from my kitchen is the hooks where we hang the dog leashes. This started out as a shelf in our DVD rack but we didn't need it and so I repurposed it into this little beauty. I love the way it turned out. All I did was sand a little, then paint on some Buttermilk colored milk paint, I didn't do it very thick and so the black shows through just a little, which I like. after that dried it was time to add the paw prints. I used some black ink and even with a cooperative dog it wasn't super easy but I stamped two paw prints, one from each dog. The ink didn't show up very well, but it was enough that I could then trace around it with pencil to make the shape I wanted. I filled it in with black paint and then added my hooks. I used a stamp pad to add some faux distressing around the edges and put s couple of picture hangers on the back and hung it on the wall.