Friday, January 27, 2012

My Yellow Kitchen

As promised, I cleaned my kitchen and now I can show you what I have going on in there. I finally have it where I love my kitchen! When we moved in it was a not so pretty blue color and I didn't realize how much I hated it until I painted it the color I wanted and am so much happier now! When I was younger I had a yellow bedroom for a little while and it was so pretty and happy and I always loved it. Unfortunately we have to move so I didn't get to enjoy it for very long. Now that I have my own house, I wouldn't subject the Mr. to such a girly choice in the bedroom (ours is grey) but the kitchen is all mine! So the yellow is back and so bright and cheery and I love it! probably a year ago I saw this wallpaper in a kitchen on tv and fell in love with it. At the time I didn't know what it was called or where to find it, so I just kind of filed it away. Then one day I found a wash cloth at my mom's house with the pattern on it, I googled the company and finally had a name for it. The pattern I am speaking of is the Moroccan pattern that is popping up everywhere now. And THEN I saw Jamielyn's Blue Stenciled Wall and had a heart attack! I had been looking for wallpaper, hadn't even thought there might be a stencil I could use which would be even better than wallpaper! But, being the cheap, er frugal, woman that I am, wanted a way to do it for less. That's when I found this post from Jones Design Company and knew I could do my kitchen for free! I printed out template and cut it out on mat board and started tracing! It took forever. My mom helped one day, I didn't do it all at once and it took probably a week in all including painting the yellow first. I used a 1/2" artist paintbrush and some leftover white paint we had in the garage. I love how it turned out and I can see it from the couch so it makes me happy! I only did one wall but I'm still trying to decided if I should do a second one. Here are a few pictures. 

and the rest of my kitchen:

So you might be wondering where all of my appliances like the toaster and can opener are, yes I do own all of these things, but I don't use them on a regular basis so one day during my "make my kitchen pretty" week I cleaned out all my cupboards and reorganized them to make room for the gadgets. So now my toaster is hiding in that corner cabinet, my mixer is with the baking ingredients in my pantry, the can opener, next to the few canned goods we have. I even moved my knife block into the lazy susan, since I do use that frequently but think it is pretty ugly. Now it is still easily accessible but hidden from view. The best part of hiding the ugly stuff is that now I can have cute things on my counter like pictures of my furbabies. Sorry the rug has some dog hair on it but I just got it at Target and wanted to show it off, only 9.99 and it is perfect! I'll show a couple DIY's in a separate post coming up soon

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